Friday, April 27, 2012


Yesterday had to head into work for a meeting. Awesome ride. I think it was the first morning the temp was actually nice when I left the house. It was in the 60's.Most of my riding is to work so I leave before light and get home after dark. So it was nice knowing I was going to get to do some pleasure riding. Left work and took the scenic route home down Mifflin road down to 200 in to Henderson.
Got to henderson and checked my phone. Message from Casey wanting to know what was up. Said he needed some therapy. So I told him I was thinking of taking the back way to Saltillo. We met up at Siler's BarBQue in Jacks Creek. and headed that way.
Getting off 22a onto Ludell Ross road then to Sand Mtn road. Got off Sand Mtn on Roby road and headed to 22. We stayed on 22 to Milledgeville where we got on 69 till it ended in the river. Hung out for a little while then we headed back via 22a.

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The Ride

On March , 08 2012 I finally got my first motorcycle. I had ridden a dirt bike as a child and had a little experience as a teenager on a dual purpose, but I always wanted a Harley. So after waiting for 21 years last July I gave up on the Harley and decided to buy a used Honda. Which just so happened to be at the Harley dealer.
After looking at the Honda and the Harley’s I knew I still wanted that Harley. It took 8 more months but I finally got the Harley. I decided to go all the way and get rid of my Jeep Cherokee, which was my sole transportation and get the Harley. I went in on a rainy Thursday morning and that afternoon they carried me home with an 08 Street Bob in the trailer.
Got up Friday morning planning on taking a ride before I had to get on a bus to Nashville. Go out to motorcycle and battery was dead. So I went all day Friday and Saturday wanting to get home and get it running. Saturday night got back; got it charged up and drove about 10 miles up the road.

Sunday morning got up for work and left the house at 5:45 a.m. Life is good. Sunday night 7:00 p.m. got on the bike for the hour long ride home. Quickly learned that rain gear is a must. I have jumped in the Tennessee River fully dressed and came out dryer than I was when I got home. Poured the water out of my shoes and took a shower because I wasn’t wet enough I guess.
Anyways I’ve since learned that 39 degrees is pretty darn cold at 70 mph.Oh and without gloves, it takes till about 3:00 p.m. before you can feel your fingers again. I also learned that a 10 mph increase is only 1 degree colder on the wind chill. When the wind chill is 23 degrees at 70 mph 1 degree doesn’t matter much; or 2 degrees for that matter. Till next time.
I’m out